May brings the end of Pat's last complete year as a teacher. On May 22nd he will teach his last spring semester class. 40 years of educating students in staying fit, the importance of playing, & having fun. Enough emotional stuff. Some upcoming events for the month. Justin is planning on attending UC next year to continue his olympic dreams. Dan and Nechia will celebrate their 20th wedding anniversary. Shellie is spending the first week of May in Maui. An all expense trip from her work, And Tammy move up another year (43). By the way, she won a fitness/weight loss competition at her athletic club. Son Reed is shinning in the little league world. Little brother Cole is quite the swimmer now. Come on Hawaii.

The Justin Pole Vault Saga

Ali has a baby shower with the gang from work!

Pat's athletic field at Las Positas College

Hayden's Birthday Party with Cole