Ali has religiously been checking on the new baby monk seal born on the Kamaina Beach. And as you can see from the last photo the pup is really growing fast.
Pat & Ali on the way down to sunset. Walking this time instead of riding our bikes. Our best time of the day.
Plumbing problems. We went without water and potty for three days. ugh.
Back with our tennis gang. We got rained out.
We visited TJ and Lydia last month in Carmel. Now they're here in Hawaii for two weeks
Pat and Ali always are amazed by Diamond Head (Leahi).
Sunset at Magic Island
Dr. Moran and his beautiful wife took the Palis out to dinner at the Outrigger Canoe Club. Thank You!
So we repay them with a night out in Downtown Waikiki. First cocktails at Moana Surfrider and the rocking chairs, then a tour through 17 asian restaurants, then fireworks and then on the walk back, mudpie at Hulu's.
Then Ali and Pat go to the Hau'oli Festival
Our first botanical garden hike this year. Koko Head Botanical Gardens
A fun afternoon on Kaneohe Bay with Captain Debbie. Thanks for a great day. Pat, Ali, Debra, Pauline, Jennifer, Marty, Margaret, Debbie, and Dr. George. (Where's Paul?)
Hey someone in the family made All-League. Way to go Cole.
Breakfast with Ali. Dutch Baby.....Baby. We have to be out of the condo. New Floor installation.
Wonderful dinner with Chris and Shane at Haleiwa Joe's
Then we check in on Baby Seal, Mother and this time big brother is there too. And of course, sunset.
This is what a $5,000 dollar painting looks like at Wyland's Gallery. Sunrise at Diamond Head.
New Floor is all done. Thanks Zack and Nick for a great job.