Our adventure day with Amy Professor Amy wanted to take the Palis out to lunch. Great eggplant parmesan. Then Amy took us up to Christmas Tree Hill. Then we took Amy to the Kapena Falls. Then we went to the Foster Botanical Gardens. Then back to Amy's place to see the new floor and say "Hi" to Guy. It was a great adventure day.
Christmas Tree Hill (alias Pu'u'0 Kaimuki Mini Park)
Then to Kapena Falls (alias: the Palis' secret short hike to a waterfall next to the Pali Highway)
Foster Botanical Gardens (Alias: Froster Botanical Gardens LOL) Tree #1 planted 100 years ago from a branch of a tree from India that Budda sat under and was inspired
Mrs. Foster noble and sacrificing spirit to the Teaching of the Buddha, contributed the Most precious gift to Hawaii . She once even visited Sri Lanka in 1893, studying' with the Theros at the monastery of Anuradhapura. The Theros from the Anuradhapura Vihara sent in gratitude through A.Dharmapalas visit to Honolulu in 1913, a cutting from the Bo-Tree which is the scion of the historic tree in Bodh Gaya, under which the Buddha had attained supreme Enlightenment. From this historic tree an offspring was brought to Sri Lanka in 288 B.C. by the Arahat bhikkhuni Sangarnitta. At the Foster Garden , the cutting from Anuradhapura was carefully planted and nurtured over the years by loving and dedicated hands, growing to a really huge bo-tree, that graces the Foster Botanical Garden in Honolulu. And Ali got to stand next to it.
Then back to Amy's house and a quick "Hello" to Guy