Orlando and some Disneyland Trips too.... 1987 First Official Pali Trip to Disneyland 1989 First Official Pali Trip to Disney World in Orlando 1996 1997 Disneyland 1999 2001 Orlando / 2001Disneyland 2002 Disneyland 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 Disneyland / 2017 Trip to Orlando 2019 2021 2023 Disneyland/California Adventure 2024 Disneyland Trip Below is a picture from 1980 where Pat's Family started the tradition long before Orlando. Pat's first trip to Disneyland with his parents and his brother Mickey was in 1955 when it first opened. It was a rainy day and when we made the trip we were not sure if it would even be open. When we got there, the clouds parted and it turned out to be a beautiful day with no crowds. Pat and Mickey had an "all park" wrist ban ($7.50) with no lines anywhere. It was great great and thus began my love for Disney. That along with the fact that every Sunday night we watched "The World of Disney" on TV. On that first visit to Disneyland in 1955, our favorite ride was the Mr. Toad's Wild Ride (which we did at least 10 times) and playing long hours on Tom Sawyer's Island August 1980 - Disneyland Nana, Harry, Nechia, Jeff, Tammy, Mickey, and Joanne Anjulia in the stroller
Years later Harry and Mary were still promoting the Disney Thing
1987 Trip to Disneyland Sarah, Nechia, Pat, Dan, Marcie, Jeff, Tammy, and
1989 Trip to Disney World (The Palis First Trip to Orlando)
click on the year for more photos --> 2003 2005 and 2007 Zack, Meaghan, Heather, and Papa / Pat, Pat, Mrs. Claus, Reed, Santa, Cole, Tammy, Carlyn, and Ali
click on the year for more photos --> 2005 click on the year for more photos --> 2007 2009 / 2011 Tammy, Cole, Pat, Reed, Pat, and Ali / Ali, Joe, Randy, Nechia, and Pat
click on the year for more photos --> 2009 / click on the year for more photos --> 2011 2013 Trip (Just the Palis)
Click here for more photos --> 2013 2015 Trip (first half of the week / then the second half of the week) Zack, Nechia, Carlyn, Mickey, and Pat / Cole, Tammy, Pat, Mickey, Carlyn, and Zack
click here for more photos --> 2015 2017 Trip Pat, Pat, Reed, Tammy, Zack, Heather, Justin, Nechia, Javan, ?, Ali, Cole, Carlyn, Shellie, Deagan, Meaghan
Click here for more photos of this trip -->2017 2019 Trip Ali, Randy, Debbie, and Pat / Same gang in front of the Tree of Life