Olympia, Wa. After Oregon we traveled north to visit more friends. First was MaryLou and Dennis and their dog Zoey.
Port Orchard Then up to Port Orchard to visit Mac and Janell. Unfortunately they had a doctors appointment. We did visit their bar, "High Tide" and met their daughter Rochelle, had a great burger and walk along the shore
Seattle, Wa. Then to Seattle to stay at the Pali Hotel. But it was closed. Had some clam chowder and a great visit.
Richland, Wa. Then we stayed with Rich and Susan (aka. MT) Rich met us at the Dugout and took us to his beautiful home. We got to meet Harley the dog. Then Susan came home from work and prepared a great meal. They had friends (Lucinda and Rick) come over and we all played "chicken foot". The next day we did the poop loop for Harley. We went to lunch at Lulu and got to talk with Randy and Debbie who live in Tampa Bay over the phone. We're setting up a future get together. Then we got a great tour by the Lewis's all around the Tri Cities area. They live in a really nice area.